IV Infusions and Boosters are a great way to balance your overall health.  Typically they take between 30 min - 1.5 hours.  Come relax in our beutiful "IV Bar" with lounge chairs and you will feel like a million bucks!


Meyers Cocktail - "The Gold Standard of IV Therapy" - ($175)

  • Dr Meyers started doing research on this combo in the 1970's.  It is great for overall health and wellness, brain fog, immunity and has been shown to decrease blood pressure and anxiety.
  • It is packed with Vitamin C, Magnesium, B-12, B complex, Calcium Gluc.

Inner Glow Beauty Bag - ($200)

  • All of the Meyers Cocktail, plus added Glutathione and Biotin

Energize and Metabolize - ($150)

  • Great for those wokring out and looking for that extra metabolism kick.  Also great for vegans who are looking to add in more amino acids to their nutrition plan.
  • This IV is packed with Amino Acids.  Vitamin B Complex, Glutamine, Arginine, Ornathine, Lysine, Citruline and Carnatine

Be Well - ($150)

  • Boost your immune system and feel better faster
  • Vitamin C, B complex , trace minerals, and Zinc (great to add Glutahione booster!)

Quench ($175)

  • Long night last night?  Jet lagged?  Hydrate and fight fatigue with Quench
  • Asorbic Acid, B Complex, Magneseum, Zinc, Copper, selenium in a 1000ml bag.